Due to the current COVID-19 situation this service is unavailable at this time
Spiritual healers, such as myself, draw the healing energy that is all around us through our bodies and channel it to others.
The source of this energy is a matter of our own particular faith (which does not mean religion).
Wherever we, and our clients believe it originates, it is this energy triggers the self-healing function within the person receiving the energies.
I do not use my own energy to heal; I allow myself to be used as a conduit through which the healing energies flow.
Spiritual Healing is going through some wonderful changes in the 21st century. It is now recognised by the government and NHS as a complimentary.
When attending for Spiritual Healing you will be asked:
to remove an “outside” coat and hat for your comfort
to remove your spectacles, if you wear them
to remove or switch off a hearing aid, if you use one
to sit on a chair or lay on a couch
wheelchair users may be treated in their chair if they prefer
None of the above has anything to do with the Spiritual Healing itself, it's just so that you are comfortable.
The duration of the healing session varies from person to person, and is usually between twenty minutes to an hour.
During the healing session, you will be asked to relax and quieten your mind; you may close your eyes to assist this process. As healing proceeds, you may feel a little warmer, a little cooler, or no change at all – just relax and enjoy the session. Equally, don’t try to detect what is happening, just RELAX.
With your permission, I may place my hands on you, this is “contact healing”, however, more often than not I generally won't need to place my hands on you. Please rest assured I am very aware of where I may and may not place my hands, in respect to “sensitive areas”, I work to a strict Code of Conduct.
I will complete a record card each time you visit. It is strictly confidential, however, you are allowed to see your record card, but no-one else is, not even the Doctor!
In accordance with “NHS Choices”, your Doctor has the right to refer you for Spiritual Healing if he feels it would be beneficial. You also have the right to request Spiritual Healing.
I will always encourage you to remain in touch with your Doctor. Spiritual Healing is complementary to medical treatment, so do tell your Doctor of any benefits that you may feel.